It’s standard advice for folks controlling their weight or trying to eat healthier to limit how much oil they use when cooking. However, this does not imply that we should eliminate all oil from our diet. This is because extra virgin olive oil , in particular, has numerous health benefits.
Extra virgin olive oil wins the discussion between olive oil and extra virgin olive oil. The initial product of the extraction process is extra virgin olive oil, which is made from the cold-pressed juice of olives. Because it is less processed than other olive oils, it retains more of its beneficial health properties.
Types of olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is an unprocessed oil that contains greenish tint, distinct flavour, and a little peppery finish, it has the strongest taste and aroma. Virgin olive oil comes from the first pressing as well, but it is of inferior quality. Light olive oil lacks the flavour of olives, making it ideal for highly flavoured foods that require a neutral oil. Classic or pure olive oil is a blend of virgin and refined olive oils.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Characteristics
Extra virgin olive oil is an unrefined oil, which means it has undergone less processing than other olive oils. Extra virgin olive oil maintains more of the natural vitamins and minerals contained in olives due to the method of production.
Presence of Polyphenols
Many natural compounds, such as polyphenols, are found in EVOO. Polyphenols are found in plants naturally and have been tied to a variety of health advantages, including lowering the risk of heart disease and cognitive impairments. The polyphenols in EVOO appear to be a main reason why it is helpful to human health, according to studies. Polyphenols are known to offer numerous health benefits, including boosting the gut microbiota.
Because it’s made by crushing olives, EVOO has a high polyphenol content. Light olive oil and spreads, for example, contain fewer polyphenols than more processed olive oil. This is due to the fact that producing them necessitates greater processing, which results in the loss of the majority of the polyphenols.
Presence of monosaturated fat
The predominant type of fat in EVOO is monounsaturated fat, which contributes to its stability. This is a good lipid that is also chemically stable. Rapeseed oil is primarily composed of monounsaturated fat. Unlike EVOO, however, rapeseed oil has a large amount of alpha-linolenic acid. This is not particularly stable, which is another reason why overheating rapeseed oil is not recommended.